Friday, September 25, 2009

nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing

this was a rough one for me

i did sit out on the patio gazing out into the garden, no thoughts, just gazing, lost in the flowers, the humming birds, the breeze.......i'm pretty good at sitting on that love seat and gazing.......does that count as nothing?

i can tell this is something that is really hitting a cord because i keep forgetting......hmmmmmm!

so i'm working on this

i'll be anxious to read what you all have to share about your experience


  1. Sure, I think you found nothing!! Sitting and gazing at something is one of Martha Beck's tips on how to do this. If you find something that holds your interest as you are sitting, then you aren't doing, you aren't thinking about other things. You have found a way to relax yourself into a nothing state. Keep doing that and notice when you just "feel" blank space. You probably have done already and weren't aware of it.

    What you are aware of is that you are working on nothing...that's excellent!

    Looking forward to discovering truth with you this week.

  2. this was a rough one for me also, I found some nothing time at the end of my week be going outside and just soaking in the sounds.

  3. once you have the hang of nothing, it can really become quite addictive. it's amazing how much joy can come out of nothing ;) looking forward to the truth.

  4. I think what you're doing certainly counts as nothing... your assignment was not to create the perfect meditation practice over night... it's a journey that grows deeper and deeper. Bravo to you!

  5. i like what you said about forgetting being a sign that there is something important to be noticed! forgetfulness is the best avoidance tactic, isn't it. ;) interestingly, this past week i thought about nothing a lot...but i only practiced it three times. the other days, even though it was on my mind, it never actually dawned on me to DO NOTHING. hmmm...go figure.
